2014 - The Year of MORE

Obviously, I'm not so good at blogging consistently. But, one blog I've always done is the New Years Resolutions one! I'm guessing that's half because it's something I do anyways - reflect and plan for the new year, and half because I'm off of work and taking a breath during that time of year. So, here it is!

As usual, I looked at last year's resolutions and evaluated if I managed them or not. I updated that post with results, rather than ask you to read them here.

Moving right along to my 2014 goals.

This year, my word is MORE. I want to do more. I want to love more, give more, seek more, move my body more, cook at home with the kids more. I want to write more, and always read more. I want to laugh more and play more.

Along with this comes LESS. I want to own less, complain less, yell less. I'm focusing on the MORE because that's the positive. I want to focus on the positive, and trust that the LESS will just happen right along with it.

I made myself a little visual, and I thought I'd share with you. I'm going to put this on my mirror, by my desk, by my alarm clock, on the fridge, and in the car. Feel free to use it as you wish. I apologize for the lack of ability here. I'll learn.

I know, I know, you're supposed to make goals that are measurable, to you know, measure your results. This is what feels right this year. Just focus on doing more of the important things. Besides, how am I going to measure laugh or seek or love?

What are your resolutions or goals for the New Year? What have I missed that you're doing MORE in 2014?


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